Externship Job Listing

Organization Information

Organization / Company:
Enlightening Counseling & Educational Services
Organization Description:
Enlightening Counseling & Educational Services (ECES) is a premier online counseling practice specializing in women and teen girls. ECES provides mental health counseling surrounding various topics such as: anxiety, depression, ptsd, self-esteem, etc. ECES also provides trainings and workshops regarding mental health topics.
331 newman spring road
red bank, NJ 07701
Education, Non-Profit, and Human Services
Internship / Externship:
SUMMER 2025 ONE WEEK (June 9-13)

Session and Deadline Information

Student Application Open Date/Time
2/3/2025 12:00 AM
Student Application Deadline Date/Time
5/3/2025 12:00 PM
Date the Externship Session Begins
Date the Externship Session Ends

Position Information

Description of Position:
The student would get a behind the scene look at the workings of a private practice, work on a mental health project and review client case scenarios. Students will met often with the director and have opportunities to engage in various professional development conversations.
Pre-requisites or Requirements:
None at this time
Position Type:
Fully Remote