Exam Upload

This page is for instructors and/or their assistants to securely upload exams for accommodation through our office. Please complete all of the information requested below and upload your exam.

Note: Rutgers Law School professors and most Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) professors do not utilize the exam upload process.

Please note if you ask for campus mail of a completed exam we will not take responsibility for it once it has been put into campus mail. We do not make or retain copies of completed exams in order to keep the integrity of the exams intact.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Disability Services for your campus.


The following questions apply to the conditions for administering this exam.

Yes Yes, with restrictions - see comments No Not applicable
Are calculators allowed? *
Are computers allowed? *
Open books or open notes? (explain in comments) *
Is scrap/scratch paper allowed? *
Is a Scantron required? (complete next section) *
The same version of the exam can be used for multiple students *

Note: If there is any validation issue on this page, you'll have to re-upload the file.