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“Gimme the Light”: Black Self-Representation through Music Videos is a history of music videos by black artists and producers from the late 1970s through the early twenty-first century. The study examines music video production and cultural representation of blacks by considering the technological and aesthetic significance of the genre. One central question is: How and why does the medium of video become an important tool for black cultural producers to experiment with visual signs of blackness (...)

General Research
SAS - American Studies
Media , Performance , Popular culture , Race and ethnicity (...)

Aresty Research Assistant

Aresty Research Assistant

Aresty Research Assistant

This project will be devoted to an exploration of modern methods in machine learning, a field at the interface of computer science and statistics. Specifically, we are interested in applying these methods to biological data sets that our group has already produced and studied. An example of such a project would be methods for learning time-varying networks from data, and applying them to a time course of microarray gene expression data from cells in response to drug doses. This project will be (...)

Aresty Research Assistant
SAS - CCS - BIOMAPS, SAS - Computer Science, SAS - (...)
Bioinformatics, Computational Molecular Biology, Computer (...)

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